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Getting an Overview of Industrial Construction

Industrial construction is nothing like commercial or residential construction, except for the fact that you’re building things. It’s done on a much grander scale, with more specialized equipment and highly trained workers. It may be classified under the general term “construction” but it’s in a category of its own.

Before Building Begins

All types of construction require you to have a plan. You must create a plan for the site that factors in access and code requirements and restrictions. With industrial construction, there is often specialized requirements, such as shipping and receiving 24 hours a day and the need for easy access to major highways. Planners must consider the location of transportation facilities, such as an airport, railway, or boat dock.

Planning the design of the buildings is another key area that differs for industrial construction. Instead of focusing on aesthetics like the way the property looks inside and out, industrial architects focus on production and safety. The concern is on functionality rather than appearance.


With both commercial and residential construction, the design must include electrical, plumbing, HVAC and other components. There is often a centralized network that operates based on the different needs, especially in retail where you may have multiple offices or stores. With industrial construction, the same idea applies but on a much grander scale. Loads must support heavy machinery and other equipment and meet specialized regulations while ensuring the system can handle high production.

Managing the Project

In commercial and residential construction, the construction manager may work with skilled trades who have a solid background in the field. Many times, the trades work on both types of construction projects in their daily business. They use standard materials with only an occasional call for custom work. With industrial construction, the project manager will be looking for vendors who specialize in this area. They understand the uniqueness of industrial projects. Often, the work requires custom materials, assembly on-site and installations that go beyond the normal.

Final Permits

All types of construction require inspections from regulating agencies before the building may be put in use. Industrial construction goes through a similar process as residential and commercial but on a grander scale. Instead of just getting inspections and certification by local and county agencies, much of the time they must get the project signed off from state and federal agencies. The timelines can be much longer, especially if any work is rejected.

In many situations, you won’t hire a generalized construction company for an industrial project. It takes more workers with more specific knowledge to ensure the project goes as planned and is completed as expected. For industrial projects, you want to find an industrial construction company with experience to handle the hurdles and delays that may come your way. Because the budget for an industrial project is much bigger, the stakes are much higher, and it becomes critical to find a company that knows what needs to be done.